Implementasi Middleware Pada Evomo Dengan Metode Web Service Restfull Dan Pengujian CI/CD, Coverage Serta Simulasi Protokol Grafana

  • Syafrial Fachri Pane Politeknik Pos Indonesia
  • Amri Yanuar Politeknik Pos Indonesia
  • Alit Fajar Kurniawan Politeknik Pos Indonesia
  • Maulyanda Az Politeknik Pos Indonesia
Kata Kunci: Evomo, middleware, Web Service RestFull, Antares, CI/CD



Penelitian ini membantu dalam melakukan proses analisis data monitoring dalam bentuk grafik, memanfaatkan CI/CD pipeline dalam melakukan implementasi CI/CD dapat memberikan kenyamanan dalam melakukan develop dan mengurangi bug, dari hasil implementasi CI/CD didapatkan hasil statements 93,33%, branch 100%, functions 87,88%, lines 94,92%. Grafik data disiapkan oleh grafana dalam bentuk script iframe diterapkan pada code program sistem. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian yang dapat menyatakan bahwa sistem yang dibangun dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Jadi, penelitian ini mampu menjawab permasalahan yang terjadi pada sistem Evomo.


This research helps in carrying out the monitoring data analysis process in graphical form, utilizing the CI/CD pipeline in implementing CI/CD can provide convenience in developing and reducing bugs. functions 87.88%, lines 94.92%, Graphic data prepared by grafana in the form of iframe script applied to the system program code. This study uses a research methodology that can state that the system built can function properly. So, this research is able to answer the problems that occur in the Evomo system.

Biografi Penulis

Syafrial Fachri Pane, Politeknik Pos Indonesia

Syafrial Fachri Pane is a lecturer and research assistant in the department of informatics engineering from Higher Education in Pos Polytechnic of Indonesia. Gaining a degree: Associate Degree in Informatics Engineering from Pos Polytechnic of Indonesia, Bachelor of Informatics Engineering from Pasundan University (Indonesia) in 2012 and Magister of Informatics Engineering from Bina Nusantara University (Indonesia). Research interests, teaching, professional experience, and so on. His research conducted in the field of Computer Science, Engineering, Physics and Astronomy Mathematics In addition to being a researcher, I am an assessor of BNSP (National Agency for Professional Certification) in the field of Database licensed by the Indonesian government, and assumes the position of head of student affairs, alumni and cooperation in Polytechnic Pos Indonesia

Cara Mengutip
Pane, S., Yanuar, A., Kurniawan, A., & Az, M. (2021). Implementasi Middleware Pada Evomo Dengan Metode Web Service Restfull Dan Pengujian CI/CD, Coverage Serta Simulasi Protokol Grafana. Jurnal Tekno Insentif, 15(2), 110-121.